Insurance Blog

Why Do I Need Term Life Insurance?

Why Do I Need Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is a type of life insurance policy that provides coverage for a set period of time, typically between 10 and 30 years. Here are some reasons why you may need term life insurance:   Provide financial security for your loved ones:If you were to...

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Contractors Insurance 101

Contractors Insurance 101

Contractors insurance, which is basically insurance for a construction project, is a wide classification of coverage that relates to the erection of buildings, roads, bridges or any other types of structures. Below are some of the common types of contractors...

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Beat the Heat

Beat the Heat

The dog days of summer have arrived. Escaping the heat can seem impossible some days, especially if you don’t have an air conditioner! Try some of these easy hacks to beat the heat and stay cool! Chill your beverages in a hurry by running a paper towel under cold...

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8 Driving Myths Debunked

8 Driving Myths Debunked

For more than a century, cars have played a central role in American life. And over that time, plenty of auto-related myths have also developed (many of which are commonly accepted as truth). Whether you heard it from a friend or have believed it for as long as you...

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Are Snow Tires Right for Your Vehicle?

Are Snow Tires Right for Your Vehicle?

Around this time every year, my husband makes some sort of comment about snow tires. He usually brings it up when we're talking about my concern for the road conditions. We've never used snow tires before, but that doesn't stop my husband from extolling their virtues....

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Five Home Improvement Tips to Make Your Home Safer

Five Home Improvement Tips to Make Your Home Safer

It’s impossible to prevent every accident or disaster, but there are some simple steps you can take that will go a long way to protecting your biggest investment. 1. Know your shut-off valves. Few people know where the emergency shut-off valves are located for gas,...

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