Dear Valued Client,
Due to the recent developments with the Coronavirus outbreak and for the safety of our clients and employees we have closed our physical location. We will be adopting some changes to our standard operating procedures temporarily. Effective close of day March 23rd our office staff will be working remotely.
Our staff will stay available for claims and customer service questions you may have on your policies during normal business hours of 8:30 am – 5:00 pm Monday- Friday.
One change you will see is the agency will not be open Saturdays until further notice.
We will strive to deliver the same levels of customer service that you have come to expect. We stand ready to service new and existing business. The office phone number 216-524-2007 will remain to be the primary number for the agency for phone calls and text messages. Any faxes can be directed to 216-524-4487. Faxes will be routed seamlessly to the appropriate member to best service your needs. We will maintain access to our emails individually, and the office email info@hrobatinsurance.com will be active.
When you call our office you will hear a new attendant provide a list of numbers to reach your party. The following is the contact list, email addresses and extensions for your information. You can bypass the message by entering in your selection prior to the end of the welcome message.
0 | Jessica | Make a payment |
1 | Ann | Claims |
2 | Maida | personal A-H |
3 | Melinda | personal I-O |
4 | Jonathon | personal P-Z |
5 | Melissa | business A-M |
6 | Greg | business N-Z |
7 | Donna | Bond/certificate |
8 | John | New business |
9 | Tim | Tim Hrobat |
Tim Hrobat – 216-789-1701 timh@hrobatinsurance.com
Brian Ritzenberg – 216-214-7061 or brianr@hrobatinsurance.com
Peter Pappadakes – 440-316-7305 or peterp@hrobatinsurance.com
Jessica Hama info@hrobatinsurance.com
Ann Gruntkowski anng@hrobatinsurance.com
Maida Rivera maidar@hrobatinsurance.com
Melinda Arnold melindaa@hrobatinsurance.com
Jonathon Hrobat jonathonh@hrobatinsurance.com
Melissa Lambert melissal@hrobatinsurance.com
Greg Olenick grego@hrobatinsurance.com
Donna Simon donnas@hrobatinsurance.com
John Ward johnw@hrobatinsurane.com
Opportunities do arise during this time of change. During these times you may find you have more time to review your insurance policies. This review may spark questions on coverages. We stand ready and willing to review and assist with any questions or modifications to any coverages. Carriers are adopting abilities to contact them in the same manner to continue their commitments to you as well.
Some life companies have waived para med exams for life applications. Should you have any these opportunities pop up or any other needs come up we stand ready to review and assist.
Thank you for your business and understanding while we adjust to continue to service you with the best possible care and attention we can provide going forward.
Tim Hrobat
Vince Hrobat Insurance Agency